Do you want to track global events and cut through the prevailing narrative?
Vestigo Strategy ultimately aims to help the individual who wants to add a qualitative and strategic aspect to his or her business decision-making. We aim to provide another source of global events research. It is difficult to take a step back from the prevailing global narrative to objectively analyze the latest global event or news story. We are constantly bombarded with information in our research from all sides. Many of the articles and news stories we read come with unspoken agenda. How are we supposed to do the research necessary and sift through all the bias to better define our decision-making, in both our personal and professional lives? At the end of the day, it’s all about coming to the global event at hand with a level head and leaving any preconceived notions behind.
This blog will try to make your research journey navigating global events a little calmer, and therefore make it easier on you, the business professional and decision-maker. It will look at obvious forms of bias in the media, but also at those less subtle types. It will also place a heavy emphasis on what many practitioners have come to call material constraints. What is this? In a nutshell, a prevailing narrative might be telling us something is likely to occur, but really there are multiple factors – the material constraints – limiting its fruition. We need research beyond the spoon-fed narrative of the global events we read about on the news.
Think of a politician touting a controversial statement on the global stage. Maybe it’s a president declaring that he wants all immigrants from developing nations to stop coming to your country. All the major media companies will eat it up like dogs, regurgitating the statement as if it was canon law. The major markets might then react precipitously to the story, with little regard for any strategic long-term impact. Doing the necessary research and analyzing the material constraints that limit that politician’s ability to do whatever he said he wants to do is important for any follower of global events. It’s necessary to keep us sane. It’s necessary to keep us well-informed.
Think long-term
Having a strategic long-term mindset may be difficult for some professionals at times. If everyone else is following a short-term fad or trend and using it to inform their decisions, it’s easy to jump on the bandwagon. We won’t deny, the short-term narrative is important in many instances and for many professions. But if we want to blossom as strategic gurus in this dog-eat-dog world, we at Vestigo Strategy have become strong believers in the need to think differently through objective qualitative analysis and research.
Another tool in the global events toolbox
So here our journey into global events begins. We hope that through our analysis you have another tool to help you make better informed business decisions, without being manipulated by unspoken and subtle agenda of media narratives. Keep following our blog, and we will objectively do that dissection and research for you, at least on hand-selected global events. Think issues like Brexit, OPEC negotiations, presidential elections… We’ll try to be as much the generalist as we can.
Please let us know if you want us to cover a particular global event or geopolitical issue and we’ll do our best to address it. Any feedback, positive or negative, is also always welcome! It is only through a constructive feedback loop that we can hope to become better strategic thinkers together.