
Vestigo Strategy was created with the goal to give individuals an alternative global events research platform to make more informed business decisions.

vestigo strategy global events research

Our mantra is “vestigo.” It derives from the Latin to track down and investigate.

  • Whether you’re an investor, you work in strategy, or you just enjoy tracking global events, you arrived at the right place!
  • By leveraging a strategic mindset, we paint a long-term picture of global events that cuts through all the bias in the prevailing narrative.
  • Here at Vestigo Strategy, we love dissecting the bias that has become pervasive in popular media.
  • More than anything, we have found that you can use global events to your professional advantage, but you need to think and act strategically.

global events strategy enthusiast

The Vestigo Strategy blog was created by Anthony Tipping, a global events enthusiast. Anthony currently analyzes geopolitical risk for a major Fortune 500 company on strategic risks with potential impact to business operations, people, and reputation. He has an MSc from the London School of Economics, an MA from Emory University, and a BA from Queen Mary University of London. He is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese.

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If you just read our blog to get further insight into a particular global event, then we all come out as winners. Note that we may use affiliate links within some of our pieces on Vestigo Strategy as a way to keep the platform and blog alive.

“I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political, that does not have a slant. All writing slants the way a writer leans, and no man is born perpendicular.”

E.B. White

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The infographic highlights how you can quickly and effectively read any article related to global events and deduce for yourself whether the narrative surrounding the global event is accurate.